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Egg Facts

Fascinating Facts about Eggs

The eggshell can have up to as many as 17,000 pores over its surface and therefore can absorb strong flavours and odours. Eggs are best stored in their carton in the refrigerator so to prevent moisture loss and insulate them against any smells of other foods kept in your fridge.


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A DOZEN reasons why we should eat Eggs


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How is it best to keep your eggs fresh?

Eggs are best stored in their carton in the refrigerator so to prevent moisture loss and insulate them against any odour of other foods kept in your fridge.

How long do eggs last?

Eggs will last 4 to 5 weeks and longer if refrigerated. The best guide is the best before date which appears on your egg carton.

Why can eggs have blood or meat spots from time to time?

On odd occasions small blood spots may be found on an egg yolk. These are caused by the rupture of a blood vessel on the yolk surface during egg formation. Less that 1% of all eggs produced have blood spots as they are normally removed during the candling process (inspection). The egg can be eaten as normal or the spot can be removed with the tip of a knife. The tiny red spots do not indicate a fertilised egg.

Are there hormones in eggs?

Pirovic Family Farms do not use hormones in the production of our eggs.


Are antibiotics used in the production of eggs?

Antibiotics are not used in the normal production of eggs. The only time antibiotics are required is if there is a health problem with a flock and only then will antibiotics be administered under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. Should this occur then any eggs produced under such circumstances are withdrawn from sale.

When I cook my egg why do I get a green ring around the yolk?

A greenish ring around a hard cooked egg yolk may be the result of sulphur and iron compounds created when the egg is over boiled. The eggs are still wholesome and nutritious, and their flavour is unaffected.

Why is it sometimes difficult to peel a hard-boiled egg?

When eggs are fresh (less than a week old) it can make them difficult to peel. For easy peeling store eggs up to ten days in a cool cupboard prior to boiling.

Do white or brown eggs taste differently?

No. There is no taste or nutritional differences between white and brown eggs. White feathered hens traditionally lay white eggs and red, brown and black hens traditionally lay brown eggs.

Why is it that I sometimes get two yolks in my egg?

It is quite common for young hens to release two yolks at the same time when the hen is coming into lay as its cycle may have not perfectly synchronised.

Why do some eggs have watery whites?

Basically during the summer months, the hen tends to drink more water due to the hot weather than the colder months, therefore when the egg is being formed it may affect the egg whites.

What is a Caged Egg?

Eggs that are layed from hens that live in a secure and safe environment with access to fresh water and feed on wholesome natural grain.

What is a Barn-Laid (Cage Free) Egg?

Barn-Laid (Cage Free) eggs are from hens that live in large barns and are not raised in cages, but on floor systems usually in an open barn. The hens on the floor have access to perches and nest boxes to lay their eggs. However, they may still be at close quarters with many other hens, just not in cages.

What is a Free Range Egg?

Free Range eggs are layed from hens that live in large barns and have the opportunity to go outside to roam and forage within a ranging area. They may travel in and out of the barn at free will or spend some portion of their day roaming outdoors.

What is an Organic Free Range Egg?

Organic Free Range eggs are layed from hens that feed on certified organic natural grains that were grown without pesticides, fungicides, herbicides or commercial fertilisers. The hens have the opportunity to go outside to roam and forage within a ranging area. They may travel in and out of the barn at free will or spend some portion of their day roaming outdoors.

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