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No Sweat Scrambled Eggs


Salt & Pepper
4 Eggs
10g butter
1 tablespoon milk


Break four eggs into a bowl and add a pinch of salt (and white or black pepper to taste) and 1 tablespoon of milk. Beat lightly with a fork.


Heat a small saucepan with a heavy base or a small non stick plan, add 10 grams of butter and melt on medium heat.


Pour in the eggs and reduce heat slightly. Using a flat spoon or fork keep the egg moving and turning in the pan so nothing has contact with the hot surface for more than a few seconds.


When it begins to firm but is still slightly runny, remove from the heat. The residual heat in the pan will cook the eggs through.


Cooking Tip

If you like softer scrambled eggs, increase the water, milk or cream.

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